How do I get started with online tutoring?
Here are the primary steps in our process:
- Parent/guardian signs up for their student
- We assign a tutor to the student
- The first 1 on 1 tutoring session:
- Includes 10 minutes of audio & white board set up
- Optional initial assessment to identify the learning needs of the student
- Regularly scheduled 1 on 1 online tutoring sessions
- In addition to the live online tutoring, the tutor provides assignments and homework help
Where can I find more information about your Tutoring Centers?
Please visit:
Why is Aim-for-A Tutoring better than other tutoring services?
Aim-for-A Tutoring has the following advantages over other tutoring services:
- Systematic Learning: Our basic service includes a systematic worksheet program that acts as the anchor for the tutoring program. Most other tutoring services provide help on an ad hoc basis without a systematic learning program.
- Competitive Pricing: Since we keep our overhead expenses to the minimum, we are able to provide you a very competitive fee structure. Also, you only pay for what you use.
- Experienced and Committed Tutors: All our tutors have educational background and experience to be excellent tutors. Above all, they have demonstrated committment and passion for tutoring.
What are the benefits of Aim-for-A Tutoring Online Service?
Here are some of the benefits of Aim-for-A Tutoring Online Service:
- Convenience: Students can learn in the comfort and security of their homes.
- Time Saving: Parents save time by not having to drive their children to tutoring places.
- Money Saving: Private one-on-one tuition can cost as much as $30 to $100 an hour. AA Tutoring programs start at $39.95 per month!
- Self-esteem Builder: Not having to face the tutors or other students directly can be a benefit! Children are more likely to ask questions and request clarification of topics they don't understand if they have privacy.
What is your teaching/learning philosophy?
Aim-for-A Tutoring believes that the following three steps are key for academic success:
- Acquire Knowledge/Concepts: The student learns new concepts or skills.
- Improve through Practice: The student improves his/her skills through homework and practice assignments.
- Measure Knolwdge/Skills: The student takes a test to get a feedback on his/her knowledge and skill.
The above three steps will let any student \"
AIM for AAcademic Excellence\"!
What if I am not happy with the assigned tutor?
In the rare instance that you are not completely happy with the assigned tutor, please let us know -- we will promptly assign your student a different tutor.
What equipment do I need to use your service?
To use our basic service, you need a personal computer and Internet connection. A printer is required if you would like your student to print out worksheets and do the work offline. If you would like to use our optional live online tutoring, you may also benefit from a tablet and pen mouse.
How do I get started?
Please go to our
Sign Up Page and select a service to suit your student's learning needs.
As soon as your payment is received, we will contact you with instructions on getting started with our program.
What is your policy on missed classes?
Please see
AIM4A Student Procedures Page for our policy regarding missed classes.
What are tutor procedures?
Please see
AIM4A Tutor Procedures Page.